
Upcoming Membership Class: November 19th, 2022 at 9am.

    Register for the next membership class

    When: Saturday November 19, 202 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


    Please register each family one at a time. Child care for children 11 and under will be available.

    Note: If you have already registered and need to make a change, please don't register again. You can reply directly to the confirmation email you received or use our contact information below.

    Additional Membership Class Attendees (optional)

    You will receive a confirmation email after submitting your registration.

    Contact us about membership registration

    If you do not have an email address or a phone number please contact an AHCC leader or the church office to register.

    To get general help, make a change to your registration, or if you did not receive a confirmation email, please send us an email or call 206-935-5714.

    Why Membership?

    At AHCC, we believe membership matters. When God saves us through Jesus’s work on the cross, He not only calls us to a new life, but new life in community. The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 12 “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” The Bible also says that “you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household.” When we come to know Jesus personally, we are adopted into God’s family to live life in authentic community with others.

    We believe God desires for all Christians to commit to a local community of believers to:

    • Experience authentic and loving relationships that encourage, challenge, comfort and nurture.
    • Love and support the church through their time, talents and treasures.
    • Be equipped for ministry and mission to the world.
    • Grow in their conformity to the character and habits of Jesus.

    As you think about making a decision to become a member at AHCC, please know that there are four steps involved in the membership process:

    1. Faith in Christ
      To be a member, you must have committed your life to Jesus Christ alone through faith in his death and resurrection. This does not mean there are not issues and struggles in your life; just that you have experienced salvation through Jesus and seeking to align your life with Him. Membership is open to Christians 18 years old and up.
    2. Membership Class
      We require all prospective members to attend a one-day class where we cover our church mission, vision, core values, history, organizational structure, ministries, approach to spiritual growth and ministry, key characteristics of our church community and commitments by both members and leadership. At the end of the class, prospective members will be given a membership covenant to review and eventually sign.
    3. Interview
      We take the time after completion of the class to sit down with each person/couple and get an opportunity to hear their story, answer any questions they may have and share more in detail AHCC’s vision and perspective on membership.
    4. Sunday Gathering Announcement
      Once prospective members have completed the one-day class, had their interview and signed the membership covenant, they are brought before the church on a Sunday morning for announcement and celebration with the church.