God’s Design for the Church – Blueprint 9

March 24, 2019

God’s Design for the Church – Blueprint 9

God’s Design – 1 Timothy 4:1-5


Weekly Question Format
– Identify and discuss what Paul’s message to Timothy is in this section of the letter
– Ask “how can we apply Paul’s message to Timothy and the church at Ephesus to our lives
– Ask “how can we pray for each other to help us apply what we are discovering? (This can be
done as an entire group together or in smaller groups of a couple people)
1. Do you know of a relative or friend who has walked away from Christ? Did they say why?
2. How do we maintain a healthy biblical balance between demonic forces trying to deceive and
blind us, but not seeing Satan behind everything that goes wrong?
3. Why do you think people usually wait until they’ve abandoned their faith to tell other
Christians? Why not when they start having doubts and struggles? What can we do as a church
to help create a culture where it’s okay to share hurts, doubts and struggles?
4. Wrong behavior always begins with wrong thinking. Agree/disagree? Why?
5. How do we stay vigilant in having right biblical thinking?
6. What’s one thing you could begin doing today that would help you maintain a soft and
surrendered heart to Jesus?
7. Can you think of anywhere in your life where you have grown thankless? What would it look like
to have a thankful heart?