God’s Design for the Church – Blueprint 3

January 20, 2019

God’s Design for the Church – Blueprint 3

God’s Design for the Church – 1 Timothy 1:12-17



  1. Where’s the balance between seeing ourselves as “chief of sinners” versus “saints in Christ” and how do we keep that balance?
  2. Which is better, to be saved as a child and be spared a sinful past or to be saved after years of sin?
  3. How can a person who seems to be “forgiven little” grow to “love much” (Luke 7:36-50)?
  4. Why do you think we struggle so much with being truthful and authentic with people versus the need to put on an act? What does this reveal about our hearts?
  5. How does the truth of the gospel free us to tell people the truth about ourselves and boast in our weaknesses?
  6. Where is God inviting you humble yourself and experience his grace?