Colossians – To The Center – Part 9

November 25, 2018

Colossians – To The Center – Part 9

Colossians – Christ at the Center -Conclusion


Weekly Question Format
– Identify and discuss what Paul’s message to the Colossians is in this section of the letter
– Ask “how can we apply Paul’s message to the Colossians to our life today?”
– Ask “how can we pray for each other to help us apply what we are discovering? (This can be
done as an entire group together or in smaller groups of a couple people)

1. What do you think of the statement that “every story in the Bible whispers Jesus name?” Can
you think of any verses or passages that support this idea (Luke 24:25-27, John 5:39, Acts 8)

2. How might knowing this change how you live?

3. Which person that Paul mentioned in this passage do you admire the most? Why?

4. Which person that Paul mentioned in this passage do you most identify with? Why?

5.How have you seen the phrase “you become what you worship” become reality in your own

6. How do we practically “worship” Jesus with our daily lives? What does that look like?

7. What one thing are you going to do this week as a result of this passage?

8. What has been the main thing that has stuck out to you from this Colossians series?